World of Wacky Deals Series: Christmas Bargain Bin Leftovers - Cat Earbuds - Barnes & Noble
Welcome to the first of our World of Wacky Deals Series, where we will feature amazing bargain finds on useful, everyday items. We are still supporting the FIRE Lifestyle, after all. No clutter or knickknacks here. We're sticking to things that our family regularly uses, and those money-saving deals we find on those items.
First up: Cat Earbuds. Yes, you heard me right. No, I didn't know they existed, either. LOL!
It's February 18th, meaning at Barnes & Noble, there are still four holidays' worth of merchandise in the store: Christmas, Hanukkah, Valentine's Day, and Easter. We've been to two local B&N's in the last couple of weeks, and both still had three bargain bins overflowing with leftover Christmas merchandise, now marked down 75% off.
Between my husband and my two kids, we are always going through earbuds. They inevitably break, or get left behind. Why I don't know, as I've had the same Sennheiser earbuds for the past six years. Back to my family, we are always on the lookout for bargains on good earbuds. In the midst of boxed Christmas cards, candles, aromatherapy diffusers, rubber stamps, and toys, we spotted not just Christmas themed, but Christmas CAT themed earbuds. I'm still laughing as I write this.
Originally $11.95, which is pretty crazy for earbuds, now down 75%, plus an extra 10% off from our B&N membership card, brought these down to a bargain price of $2.69 per pair. We bought the last two, and they are now stashed away to replace the next broken or misplaced pair.
Meowy Christmas, all!
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