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Open Enrollment Health Insurance - How Your Employer's Plan May Not Be The Most Affordable Way

As a full-time working mom, Open Enrollment is always an annually dreaded, expensive event in the life of adulting.  Once again, and especially with the financial crunch brought on by the current pandemic economy, my employer is tightening its collective belt.  Our employer-provided medical, dental, and vision plans remind me again how outrageous the premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums are, and just what little benefit we receive back in return.  I've done the math, and even with my employer covering me, the employee, we're still paying $17,000 out-of-pocket for medical insurance premiums and meeting our family deductible before this so-called "insurance" kicks in.  There's some over-simplifiction there, yes, but that's what it pretty much boils down to for our family and our situation.  The last time I bought into this was four years ago, and I can tell you, this mostly healthy family never even came close to meeting that family deductible. ...

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